This course discusses useful methods and techniques to make the complex electrical and electronic circuits easier for the purpose of analysis keeping in mind the essential rules of electrical circuits. The main objective of this course is the analysis of physical circuits using laws, theorems and ideal circuit element models. Strong emphasis is placed on the formulation of nodal equations for linear resistive circuits as a foundation. Consequences of linearity are emphasized through superposition and Thevenin/Norton equivalents. This course will introduce students with basics concepts in circuits and electronics such as charge, voltage, current and resistance. This will further go on to explain various laws and rules, which are at the base of electric circuit analysis. This will also involve using nodal, mesh analysis, circuit theorems working with dependent and independent sources. Students will be exposed to several simple and complex circuits so that they practice it more and more and get fluent in analyzing electric circuits. This will continue to the introduction of capacitance and inductance.

In Laboratory, electric circuit design, set up, analysis and measurement-based experiments will be performed. EET-NSU is equipped with instrumentation and experimental setups to support undergraduate students. Laws and theorems will also be analyzed/verified through experiments and simulation.

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to: 
  1. Apply circuit reduction techniques to solve linear circuits.
  2. Apply network theorems to solve complex linear circuits.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of different instruments & simulation tools used in linear circuit analysis.
  4. Perform laboratory experiments & simulations to verify laws & theorems of linear circuit analysis.

Credit Hours: 2

This course discusses useful methods and techniques to make the complex electrical and electronic circuits easier for the purpose of analysis keeping in mind the essential rules of electrical circuits. The main objective of this course is the analysis of physical circuits using laws, theorems and ideal circuit element models. Strong emphasis is placed on the formulation of nodal equations for linear resistive circuits as a foundation. Consequences of linearity are emphasized through superposition and Thevenin/Norton equivalents. This course will introduce students with basics concepts in circuits and electronics such as charge, voltage, current and resistance. This will further go on to explain various laws and rules, which are at the base of electric circuit analysis. This will also involve using nodal, mesh analysis, circuit theorems working with dependent and independent sources. Students will be exposed to several simple and complex circuits so that they practice it more and more and get fluent in analyzing electric circuits. This will continue to the introduction of capacitance and inductance.

In Laboratory, electric circuit design, set up, analysis and measurement-based experiments will be performed. EET-NSU is equipped with instrumentation and experimental setups to support undergraduate students. Laws and theorems will also be analyzed/verified through experiments and simulation.

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to: 
  1. Apply circuit reduction techniques to solve linear circuits.
  2. Apply network theorems to solve complex linear circuits.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of different instruments & simulation tools used in linear circuit analysis.
  4. Perform laboratory experiments & simulations to verify laws & theorems of linear circuit analysis.

Credit Hours: 1

Constitutional Development in Pakistan

Credit Hours: 2