The subject will focus on Force, types of force, the effect of force on various mechanical and structural members Moment of force, Couple of force, Equilibrium Simple stress, Shear stress, bearing stress Bending moment and shearing force Bending Stresses Deflection of beams Torsion of bars of circular cross-section Design of shafts, Pulleys, flywheels, bearings and couplings Power Transmission belts, spur gears and friction clutches. 

Credit Hours: 2

A course about Islam and it’s understanding according to the Holy Quran, Hadith and Fiqh. The students will learn the prescribed verses of the Holy Quran and it’s understanding according to Hadith. Implication of Hadith and Sunnah in daily life and applications of the ruling as per Fiqh shall be learnt by the students.

Credit Hours: 2